Źródło opisu
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Potter Beatrix
Alcott Louisa May
Alexandre Dumas
Dickens Charles
London Jack
Cervantes Miguel
Christie Agatha
Dostoevsky Fyodor
Emerson Ralph Waldo
Montgomery Lucy Maud
Tolstoy Leo
Alighieri Dante
Allen James
Aurelius Marcus
Austen Jane
Blackwood Algernon
Brontë Anne
Brontë Emily
Cather Willa
Clason George S
Collins Wilkie
Crane Stephen
Doyle Arthur Conan
Eliot Charles W
Eliot George
Fitzgerald F. Scott
Franz Kafka
Freud Sigmund
Gibran Kahlil
Hill Napoleon
Irving Washington
James Henry
Joyce James
Lawrence Brother
Miyamoto Musashi
Moore Clement C
Nietzsche Friedrich
Poe Edgar Allan
Rojas Fernando de
Saint-Exupéry Antoine de
Seneca Lucius Annaeus
Stoker Bram
Tolstói Liev N
Twain Mark
Verne Jules
Vivekananda Swami
Wells H. G
Wells H.G
Wharton Edith
Wilde Oscar
Woolf Virginia
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Aesop's Fables / Aesop. - [miejsce nieznane] : Pocket Classic : Legimi, 2022.
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In ancient Greece, a storyteller named Aesop captivated his listeners with tales both beautiful and instructive. Thousands of years later, his fables—from "The Ant and the Grasshopper" to "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to "The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg" to "The Tortoise and the Hare"—have lost none of their power to guide and entertain. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.
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This book contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! Novels Alcott, Louisa May: Little Women Austen, Jane: Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane: Emma Balzac, Honoré de: Father Goriot Barbusse, Henri: The Inferno Brontë, Anne: The Tenant of Wildfell Hall Brontë, Charlotte: Jane Eyre Brontë, Emily: Wuthering Heights Burroughs, Edgar Rice: Tarzan of the Apes Butler, Samuel: The Way of All Flesh Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Cather, Willa: My Ántonia Cervantes, Miguel de: Don Quixote Chopin, Kate: The Awakening Cleland, John: Fanny Hill Collins, Wilkie: The Moonstone Conrad, Joseph: Heart of Darkness Conrad, Joseph: Nostromo Cooper, James Fenimore: The Last of the Mohicans Crane, Stephen: The Red Badge of Courage Cummings, E. E.: The Enormous Room Defoe, Daniel: Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel: Moll Flanders Dickens, Charles: Bleak House Dickens, Charles: Great Expectations Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: Crime and Punishment Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: The Idiot Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Hound of the Baskervilles Dreiser, Theodore: Sister Carrie Dumas, Alexandre: The Three Musketeers Dumas, Alexandre: The Count of Monte Cristo Eliot, George: Middlemarch Fielding, Henry: Tom Jones Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary Flaubert, Gustave: Sentimental Education Ford, Ford Madox: The Good Soldier Forster, E. M.: A Room With a View Forster, E. M.: Howards End Gaskell, Elizabeth: North and South Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: The Sorrows of Young Werther Gogol, Nikolai: Dead Souls Gorky, Maxim: The Mother Haggard, H. Rider: King Solomon's Mines Hardy, Thomas: Tess of the D'Urbervilles Hawthorne, Nathaniel: The Scarlet Letter Homer: The Odyssey Hugo, Victor: The Hunchback of Notre Dame Hugo, Victor: Les Misérables Huxley, Aldous: Crome Yellow James, Henry: The Portrait of a Lady
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Meg is the eldest and on the brink of love. Then there's tomboy Jo who longs to be a writer. Sweet-natured Beth always puts others first, and finally there's Amy, the youngest and most precocious. Together they are the March sisters. Even though money is short, times are tough and their father is away at war, their infectious Meg is the eldest and on the brink of love. Then there's tomboy Jo who longs to be a writer. Sweet-natured Beth always puts others first, and finally there's Amy, the youngest and most precocious. Together they are the March sisters. Even though money is short, times are tough and their father is away at war, their infectious sense of fun sweeps everyone up in their adventures — including Laurie, the boy next door. And through sisterly squabbles, their happy times and sad ones too, the sisters discover that growing up is sometimes very hard to do. Based on Louisa May Alcott's childhood, this lively portrait of nineteenth-century family life possesses a lasting vitality that has endeared it to generations of readers. A wonderful story... As a child, I strongly identified with Jo because she is a writer. —Jacqueline Wilson The American female myth. —Madelon Bedell It is an essential American novel, perhaps the essential American novel for girls… Girls come to it on their own. —Jane Smiley In "Little Women", Alcott anticipated realism by twenty or thirty years. —G. K. Chesterton
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Little Women o, Meg, Jo, Beth y Amy es una novela de la autora estadounidense Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888). Escrita y publicada en dos partes en 1868 y 1869, la novela sigue la vida de cuatro hermanas, Meg, Jo, Beth y Amy March, y se basa libremente en las experiencias infantiles de la autora con sus tres hermanas. La primera parte del libro fue un éxito comercial y crítico inmediato y provocó la composición de la segunda parte del libro, también un gran éxito. Ambas partes se publicaron por primera vez como un solo volumen en 1880. El libro es un clásico estadounidense incuestionable.
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If you were looking for the definitive Christmas anthology, consider yourself lucky, because you just found it! This book is everything you want Christmas to be — loving, warm and celebratory. Timeless and adorable, beautifully designed, "The Big Book of Christmas" is a great big stocky book — stuffed with novels, novellas, short stories, poems, carols and songs. Inside you'll find: · Novels, novellas and short stories from Charles Dickens, Louisa May Alcott, Hans Christian Andersen, O. Henry, Lucy Maud Montgomery, E. T. A. Hoffmann, L. Frank Baum, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Henry Van Dyke, Oscar Wilde, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Anton Chekhov and many more! · Poems, carols and songs from John Milton, Clement Clarke Moore, William Blake, W. B. Yeats, Rudyard Kipling, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, H. P. Lovecraft, George MacDonald, Emily Dickinson and many more!
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Contiene una tabla de contenido activa (HTML) y al final del libro incluye un enlace adicional al audiolibro gratuito. Encarcelado por un crimen que no ha cometido, Edmond Dantes está confinado en la sombría fortaleza de If. Allí se entera de un gran tesoro escondido en la Isla de Montecristo y se decide no solo a escapar sino a desenterrar el tesoro y usarlo para planear la destrucción de los tres hombres responsables de su encarcelamiento. Un gran éxito popular cuando se serializó por primera vez en la década de 1840, Dumas se inspiró en un caso real de encarcelamiento injusto al escribir su épica historia de sufrimiento y retribución.
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¡Este libro contiene ahora varias tablas HTML de contenidos que harán de la lectura un verdadero placer! El tulipán negro (La tulipe noire) es una novela histórica que comienza con el linchamiento del ministro holandés Johan de Witt, un hecho histórico, y se desarrolla los meses siguientes al asesinato. En la ciudad de Haarlem se organiza un concurso para v er qui puede cultivar un tulipán negro...
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Este ebook presenta "Los tres mosqueteros", con un sumario dinámico y detallado. Los tres mosqueteros es una novela del escritor Alexandre Dumas, publicada inicialmente en folletines por el periódico Le Siècle en 1844. La novela relata las aventuras de un joven gascón llamado D'Artagnan, que viaja rumbo a París para convertirse en mosquetero. D'Artagnan no es uno de los mosqueteros del título, sino que lo son sus amigos Athos, Porthos y Aramis, amigos inseparables que viven bajo el lema "uno para todos, todos para uno". Juntos, sirven al rey Luis XIII y enfrentan a su primer ministro, el Cardenal Richelieu, y a sus agentes Milady de Winter y el Conde de Rochefort, para así resguardar el honor de la reina Ana de Austria. Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870), conocido en los países hispanohablantes como Alejandro Dumas, fue un novelista y dramaturgo francés. Su hijo, Alexandre Dumas fue también un escritor conocido. Es un autor prolífico (tragedias, dramas, melodramas, aventuras), aunque, para atender a la creciente demanda del público, tuvo que recurrir a la ayuda, notoria, de ""colaboradores"" entre los que destacó Auguste Maquet (1839-1851) que intervino en varias de sus novelas, entre ellas Los tres mosqueteros y El Conde de Montecristo (1844). La historia de D'Artagnan continúa en Veinte años después y en El vizconde de Bragelonne. Estas tres novelas de Dumas se conocen como Las novelas de D'Artagnan. "
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Set against the turbulent years of the Napoleonic era, Alexandre Dumas's thrilling adventure story is one of the most widely read romantic novels of all time. In it the dashing young hero, Edmond Dantès, is betrayed by his enemies and thrown into a secret dungeon in the Chateau d'If — doomed to spend his life in a dank prison cell. The story of his long, intolerable years in captivity, his miraculous escape, and his carefully wrought revenge creates a dramatic tale of mystery and intrigue and paints a vision of France — a dazzling, dueling, exuberant France — that has become immortal.
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La Divina Comedia by Dante Alighieri Metafísica by Aristóteles Sentido y Sensibiildad by Jane Austen Las Flores del Mal by Charles Baudelaire El Decamerón by Giovanni Boccaccio Agnes Grey (Español) by Anne Brontë Las Aventuras de Pinocho by C. Collodi El Último Mohicano by James Fenimore Cooper Noches Blancas by Fedor Mikhaïlovitch Dostoïevski Estudio en Escarlata by Arthur Conan Doyle El Signo de los Cuatro by Arthur Conan Doyle Los Tres Mosqueteros by Alexandre Dumas Canción del Pirata by José de Espronceda Madame Bovary I by Gustave Flaubert Psicología de las Masas y Análisis del Yo by Sigmund Freud Bailén by Benito Pérez Galdós El Jardín del Profeta by Kahlil Gibran Fausto Parte I by Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Fausto Parte II by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe LOS MISERABLES by Victor Hugo Tess de D'Urberville by Thomas Hardy La Letra Escarlata by Nathaniel Hawthorne Sangre y Arena by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez En Busca del Gran Kan by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez Cañas y Barro by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez La Leyenda de Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving Ulises by James Joyce Vuelva Usted Mañana by Mariano José de Larra Colmillo Blanco by Jack London Poeta en Nueva York by Federico García Lorca La Llamada de Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft En las Montañas de la Locura by H. P. Lovecraft Campos de Castilla by Antonio Machado El Gólem by Gustav Meyrink Sobre la Libertad by John Stuart Mill El Sexto Sentido by Amado Nervo Así Habló Zaratustra by Friedrich Nietzsche Doce Años de Esclavitud by Solomon Northup La Hija del Capitán by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin Gracias y desgracias del ojo del culo by Francisco de Quevedo Rob Roy by Walter Scott Romeo y Julieta by William Shakespeare El Extraño Caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson La Cabaña del Tío Tom by Harriet Beecher Stowe Los Viajes de Gulliver by Jonathan Swift Las Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Niebla by Miguel de Unamuno Luces de Bohemia by Ramón María del Valle-Inclán Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino by Julio Verne La Vuelta al Mundo en 80 Días by Julio Verne La Señora Dalloway by Virginia Woolf
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Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) and ​in the end of book include a bonus link to the free audiobook. As a Man Thinketh : Classic Wisdom for Proper Thought, Strong Character, & Right Actions. Just as a gardener cultivates his plot, keeping it free from weeds, and growing the flowers and fruits which he requires, so may a man tend the garden of his mind, weeding out all the wrong, useless, and impure thoughts, and cultivating toward perfection, the flowers and fruits of right, useful, and pure thoughts. By pursuing this process, a man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life. He also reveals, within himself, the laws of thought, and understands, with ever-increasing accuracy, how the thought-forces and mindelements operate in the shaping of his character, circumstances, and destiny
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Nearly two thousand years after it was written, Meditations remains profoundly relevant for anyone seeking to lead a meaningful life. Few ancient works have been as influential as the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, philosopher and emperor of Rome (A.D. 161–180). A series of spiritual exercises filled with wisdom, practical guidance, and profound understanding of human behavior, it remains one of the greatest works of spiritual and ethical reflection ever written. Marcus's insights and advice—on everything from living in the world to coping with adversity and interacting with others—have made the Meditations required reading for statesmen and philosophers alike, while generations of ordinary readers have responded to the straightforward intimacy of his style. For anyone who struggles to reconcile the demands of leadership with a concern for personal integrity and spiritual well-being, the Meditations remains as relevant now as it was two thousand years ago. With an Introduction that outlines Marcus's life and career, the essentials of Stoic doctrine, the style and construction of the Meditations, and the work's ongoing influence, this edition makes it possible to fully rediscover the thoughts of one of the most enlightened and intelligent leaders of any era.
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Emma / Jane Austen. - [miejsce nieznane] : Pocket Classic : Legimi, 2023.
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Dive into the captivating world of Emma Woodhouse with the ebook "Emma" by Jane Austen! This classic of English literature is filled with love affairs, strong friendships, and personal discoveries. With complex characters and dramatic relationships, this novel is a must-read for fans of classic literature. Enjoy the convenience of digital reading on your e-reader, tablet, or mobile device. Download your copy of Emma in ebook format now and discover why this novel is considered a masterpiece of English literature.
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Algernon Blackwood (1869-1951) was an English short story writer and novelist, one of the most prolific writers of ghost stories in the history of the genre. He was also a journalist and a broadcasting narrator. S. T. Joshi has stated that "his work is more consistently meritorious than any weird writer's except Dunsany's." Though Blackwood wrote a number of horror stories, his most typical work seeks less to frighten than to induce a sense of awe. A Haunted Island A Case of Eavesdropping The Empty House Keeping His Promise With Intent to Steal The Wood of the Dead Smith: An Episode in a Lodging House A Suspicious Gift The Strange Adventures of a Private Secretary in New York Skeleton Lake The Willows The Woman's Ghost Story The Dance of Death The Old Man of Visions The Insanity of Jones The Listener May Day Eve Max Hensig Miss Slumbubble — and Claustrophobia Ancient Sorceries A Psychical Invasion The Nemesis of Fire Secret Worship The Camp of the Dog The Occupant of the Room The Terror of the Twins Entrance and Exit You May Telephone from Here The Wendigo The Sea Fit Old Clothes Perspective Carlton's Drive The Lost Valley The Man from the "Gods" The Eccentricity of Simon Parnacute The Price of Wiggins's Orgy The Man Who Played Upon the Leaf The Glamour of the Snow The Deferred Appointment The Return The Transfer Dream Trespass The Man Whom the Trees Loved The South Wind The Messenger The Attic Sand The Heath Fire The Temptation of the Clay Ancient Lights Clairvoyance The Golden Fly Special Delivery The Destruction of Smith The Goblin's Collection The Whisperers The Second Generation The Man Who Found Out The Tradition Transition Violence The Doll The Trod Accessory Before the Fact The House of the Past The Sacrifice The Damned Wayfarers The Pikestaffe Case The Prayer The Secret Strange Disappearance of a Baronet The Lease Up and Down Faith Cure on the Channel The Invitation Imagination The Impulse Her Birthday Two in One Let Not the Sun Jimbo's Longest Day News vs. Nourishment If the Cap Fits Wind Pines The Winter Alps By Water A Victim of Higher Space The Regeneration of Lord Ernie A Descent into Egypt The Falling Glass The Other Wing An Egyptian Hornet The Touch of Pan The Tryst The Wings of Horus Initiation A Desert Episode A Bit of Wood H. S. H. Cain's Atonement The Little Beggar Chinese Magic The Valley of the Beasts The Decoy The Empty Sleeve Running Wolf First Hate The Olive The Wolves of God The Tarn of Sacrifice The Call Egyptian Sorcery Wireless Confusion Confession The Lane That Ran East and West Vengeance Is Mine Lost! The Man Who Was Milligan Alexander Alexander
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Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML) This book contains the complete novels of the Brontë Sisters: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë Shirley by Charlotte Brontë Villette by Charlotte Brontë The Professor by Charlotte Brontë
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Wuthering Heights is an 1847 novel by Emily Brontë, initially published under her pen name Ellis Bell. It concerns two families of the landed gentry living on the West Yorkshire moors, the Earnshaws and the Lintons, and their turbulent relationships with Earnshaw's foster son, Heathcliff. The novel was influenced by Romanticism and Gothic fiction. Wuthering Heights is now considered a classic of English literature, but contemporaneous reviews were polarised. It was controversial for its depictions of mental and physical cruelty, and for its challenges to Victorian morality and religious and societal values Wuthering Heights was accepted by publisher Thomas Newby along with Anne Brontë's Agnes Grey before the success of their sister Charlotte's novel Jane Eyre, but they were published later. Charlotte edited a second edition of Wuthering Heights after Emily's death which was published in 1850. It has inspired an array of adaptations across several media, including English singer-songwriter Kate Bush's song of the same name.
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Set in the mid-19th century. At the center of the novel are two French Jesuits - Bishop Jean Marie Latour and his friend Father Joseph Vaillant - two celibate men who devote their lives to bring religious faith and comfort to Mexican-Americans in the newly acquired U.S. territory of New Mexico. Cather presents them as strong, committed men, willing to put up with great hardships in doing what they saw as God's work and sharing their faith. Flawed, like all of us are, but good at heart. This captivating narrative celebrates the natural beauty of New Mexico and the importance of the adventures of these two French Catholic missionaries in contributing to the social and spiritual life of the area in a meaningful way. Often considered Cather's masterpiece...
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Descubre la Locura y el Brillo del Caballero Andante Original Don Quijote es una novela clásica de Miguel de Cervantes, publicada por primera vez en dos partes en 1605 y 1615. La historia sigue a Alonso Quijano, un hombre de La Mancha que, influenciado por las novelas de caballerías, se transforma en Don Quijote, un caballero andante en una misión para revivir la caballería y proteger a los indefensos. Acompañado por su fiel escudero, Sancho Panza, Quijote se embarca en una serie de aventuras cómicas y conmovedoras, enfrentándose a molinos de viento que cree que son gigantes y confundiendo posadas con castillos. A través de su viaje, Cervantes explora temas de realidad versus ilusión, idealismo y el poder de la literatura, convirtiendo "Don Quijote" en una de las obras más perdurables e influyentes de la literatura occidental. ¡Sumérgete en un mundo donde la realidad se mezcla con la fantasía y los sueños de caballería cobran vida! "Don Quijote" de Miguel de Cervantes no es solo una novela; es una odisea de ingenio, aventura y sabiduría atemporal. Acompaña a Alonso Quijano, un hidalgo convertido en caballero andante, mientras se convierte en Don Quijote, el defensor de los débiles y azote del mal. Junto a su leal escudero, Sancho Panza, los esfuerzos mal encaminados pero sinceros de Quijote por revivir la era de la caballería conducen a una serie de escapadas hilarantes y conmovedoras. Desde enfrentarse a molinos de viento hasta batallar contra enemigos imaginarios, su viaje es una profunda exploración del idealismo, la realidad y el poder perdurable del espíritu humano. Alabado por gigantes literarios y apreciado por millones de lectores, "Don Quijote" es aclamado como una de las mejores novelas jamás escritas. Mark Twain lo llamó "el mejor libro del mundo", mientras que Dostoyevski veneraba sus profundas percepciones filosóficas. Únete a las filas de aquellos que han sido encantados por esta obra maestra. Embarca hoy en la inolvidable aventura de Don Quijote. Experimenta las risas, las lecciones y el legado de un libro que ha resistido la prueba del tiempo. Ordena tu copia ahora y descubre por qué "Don Quijote" continúa cautivando corazones y mentes en todo el mundo.
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Discover the Madness and Brilliance of the Original Knight-Errant Don Quixote is a classic novel by Miguel de Cervantes, first published in two parts in 1605 and 1615. The story follows Alonso Quixano, a man from La Mancha who, influenced by chivalric romances, transforms himself into Don Quixote, a knight-errant on a quest to revive chivalry and protect the helpless. Accompanied by his faithful squire, Sancho Panza, Quixote embarks on a series of comical and poignant adventures, challenging windmills he believes to be giants and mistaking inns for castles. Through their journey, Cervantes explores themes of reality versus illusion, idealism, and the power of literature, making "Don Quixote" one of the most enduring and influential works in Western literature. Step into a world where reality blurs with fantasy, and dreams of chivalry come alive! "Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes is not just a novel; it's an odyssey of wit, adventure, and timeless wisdom. Join Alonso Quixano, a nobleman turned knight-errant, as he becomes Don Quixote, the defender of the weak and scourge of evil. Alongside his loyal squire, Sancho Panza, Quixote's misguided yet heartfelt attempts to revive the age of knighthood lead to a series of hilarious and heartwarming escapades. From tilting at windmills to dueling imaginary foes, their journey is a profound exploration of idealism, reality, and the enduring power of human spirit. Praised by literary giants and cherished by millions of readers, "Don Quixote" is hailed as one of the greatest novels ever written. Mark Twain called it "the best book in the world," while Dostoevsky revered its deep philosophical insights. Join the ranks of those who have been enchanted by this masterpiece. Embark on Don Quixote's unforgettable quest today. Experience the laughter, the lessons, and the legacy of a book that has stood the test of time. Order your copy now and discover why "Don Quixote" continues to captivate hearts and minds across the globe.
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Famed private eye Hercule Poirot tackles international intrigue and espionage in this classic Agatha Christie mystery. Framed in the doorway of Hercule Poirot's bedroom stands an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in dust. The man stares for a moment, then he sways and falls. Who is he? Is he suffering from shock or just exhaustion? Above all, what is the significance of the figure 4, scribbled over and over again on a sheet of paper? Poirot finds himself plunged into a world of international intrigue, risking his life—and that of his "twin brother"—to uncover the truth.
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